Differentiators Digital

3 Leading Indicators of Digital Pain

Today, all businesses are digital businesses. All leaders are expected to be digitally informed and digitally effective. Such expectations are driven by the needs of customers and stakeholders – who expect valuable, personalised, timely data at their fingertips.

In this blog series, we explore the evolving expectations placed on digital leaders and share three leading indicators that help avoid future digital connectivity pain.

Digital Connectivity

All digital outcomes are underpinned by digital connectivity. Effective leaders enable a digitally connected business to deliver more value than the sum of its parts. This means that leaders must be able to connect business units and business functions, as well as connect into and leverage broader ecosystems.

Examples of digital connectivity are visible in our everyday lives. For instance:

  • Health providers integrate with patient-consented health records to improve patient health outcomes.
  • Ecosystems of organisations integrate with banks via open banking to deliver innovative customer experiences that transcend the bank’s channels.
  • In retail, real-time customer behaviour data is integrated with multiple business functions to make real-time supply chain and operational decisions.
  • In civil engineering, Internet of Things sensors and actuators are integrated with workforce management systems to improve services and reduce costs.

Trouble On the Horizon

Leaders must constantly guide their teams to execute effectively and win market opportunities while dealing with high-impact macro challenges, such as supply chain instability, the rise of Gen Z customers/employees, AI-infused everything, and the imminent threats of an explosion of new cyber attacks. And the pace of innovation means that even market-leading businesses offering the best digital experiences must work tirelessly to stay ahead.

So, if you thought the digital expectations of leaders were challenging in recent years, you’re in for quite a ride in the years to come. Without expertise and focus, many businesses and their leaders will fail to keep up and experience the pains related to lost market share and revenue crisis management.

So, how can leaders (or laggards) know if they’re heading in the right digital direction? What are you doing to stay on top of current and future digital expectations?

Three Leading Indicators of Digital Pain

Effective integration is at the heart of all successful digital success, so it’s no surprise that IntegrationWorks has delivered at the core of so many digital business strategies and initiatives.

Our experience, over nearly two decades in operation, allows us to spot businesses going in the wrong direction before others do – and thus avoid digital integration issues before they arise.

In the following blogs in this series, we share three leading indicators to identify whether your business is heading in the right direction to deliver on your future digital business opportunities and ambitions.

  • Leading Indicator 1 – GenAI Attention Disorder 
  • Leading Indicator 2 – Intentionally Siloed Architecture
  • Leading Indicator 3 – Scaling Agile At The Cost Of Improving Flow

To be informed of the following blogs in this series and receive further digital integration insights and industry news, follow us on LinkedIn.

IntegrationWorks helps business and technology leaders to deliver on growing digital expectations.

Our award-winning team of integration specialists provides our clients with:

  • Delivery power and capacity to digitally connect businesses today.
  • Strategic guidance and insights to plan with confidence for the digital future.  

To leverage our strategic advice, engage us for a digital integration health check, or learn more about these leading indicators, reach out.

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